I decided against posting pictures from the concert, as I didn't want to post other kids' photos without their parents' permissions, and I don't have them. To describe the concert in a few words: Santino again ran off the stage after the second song, and sat with me for a while. He didn't sing, didn't open his mouth once. On the bright side, he also didn't cry, like last year.

I gently led him back on the stage in the end of the concert, and he had a chance to grab the jingle bells and shook them proudly for 2 songs! He was not the only boy, who didn't sing. 2 out of 3 other boys didn't sing either. Girls, on the other hand, sang away! Loud and proud! Thanx to them we actually had a concert!

After the hard part was over, Santino relaxed visibly, stopped saying he needs to go home and looked around. The small church that hosts this school's concert had nice, cozy decorations, including this native scene. Santino walked over, looked at it for a while, then informed me where is the roof, where is the nest under the roof, and that all and all, this is a house!

Then Santino met Santa! He didn't like him at first (Santino didn't like Santa, that is), but after I promised a candy cane if he goes and gets his present from the big man with white beard, Santino ran there. He was complemented on his nice suite, then Santa asked him what would he like for Christmas. Santino kept this a secret, didn't say a word.

After that daunting task, Santino felt much better, and enjoyed the rest of the party. He played with his friends from the class, had multiple cookies and a slice of pizza (red stains all over the suite made mommy sigh upon return home).

And later tonight, after the building the snowman, shoveling the driveway, playing with dinosaurs, reading a Dr.Seuss' book (Santino's new favorite is "There is a Wocket in my Pocket"), driving a bed like a car with daddy, playing bowling (more about it in the next post), driving Dinosaur Train in the kitchen, watching Curious George on TV ... yes, after all that and more, we did a little bit more art.
We had some paint leftover from yesterday activity, and today I decided to use more of it. I cut up a cereal box, cut out a nice stiff cardboard sheet, and drew a snowman with a pen. Then I suggested Santino would fill it with the color. I thought he would take white, but he chose red. A strange color for a snowman, but the selection was poor.
He was very good at tracing the lines of my picture, I was rather impressed! He didn't want to fill them with any color, even though I showed how. He wanted the picture to stay traced and not filled, and that is how it stayed.

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