Santino found the magnifying glass in our kitchen drawer, the one with all the mess: little bits and pieces of stuff, that I don't want to discard and don't know where to put. And I immediately had this idea to take it with us on the morning walk!

I simply showed and explained briefly that looking through this glass lets you see objects in a little more details. He started pointing it at everything, exploring the world around him with an energy and thoroughness of a real scientist, preoccupied with a new idea.

He explored in detail the trees, the grass, the path we walked on. He didn't slow down enough for me to show him more details to find, but there is always tomorrow, right? Right now, it's just me nurturing his natural curiousity.

Then we came home and had fun with the coffee grinds I have been collecting. So messy, and so fun!

I only took an opportunity and practiced the "unders" and "overs". We attend the Early Years program "Time for twos" on Mondays, and this past Monday we learned and practiced these words. Otherwise, this was a simple quiet play, a time to unwind and relax.