Montessori idea of teaching children is to let them choose what they are interested in. If he is doesn't want to play with the sensory stuff, this means I don't push it on him. I do try it every now and then, but don't push too hard. I did notice though, that once started an activity, he often likes it, at least for a little while. The challenge is to have him start.
I found this idea via some link on my Facebook. Now I can't find that link, but here is a similar one. I was inspired by it and said to Santino "let's make an Easter basket with some eggs". He wasn't really interested, as usual, but I put together some items for this craft and told him that this is going to be a basket of dinosaur eggs. Lucky for me, he just watched the "Land Before Time II" cartoon and is all into dinosaur eggs hatching and baby T-Rexes and other fun stuff.

He asked me to draw him Chomper from that cartoon, and I sketched it with a marker. Then we made one with a modeling clay, and he just wouldn't let it out of his hands. Now the basked with the eggs idea seemed more fun to him.

Since I didn't have tiny mini eggs to put in the mini basket, I brought down some beans and a piece of tissue paper. My idea was to wrap the beans in the paper so that they would look more Eastery.
I have several egg cartons saved in my recycling box, so I cut off a couple "baskets". Then I let Santino paint them. He really enjoyed this task. I knew it! He gets inspired during the process.

Then we wrapped a few "eggs" in the blue tissue paper. I didn't have any thin foil on hand, the kind the chocolate eggs are wrapped in, which would have worked much better probably. Nevertheless, I was happy with the result. I wasn't going for beauty and perfection, I just wanted to involve Santino in some crafts.

He immediately tried to "hatch" the "eggs", by unwrapping one or two. Then he tried eating one.

I attached the pipe cleaner and showed him the result. He loved it very much, and stuffed the poor clay Chomper in it.

This was a fun little activity that I would recommend to do with your toddler. I am sure any child with a bit more concentration would enjoy it even more! The result would be great for pretend play with dolls and .. well... dinosaurs.
Happy Easter!